Lent (Page 3)

Lent (Page 3)

Lent is the 40-day period of preparation for Holy Week.

The first day of Lent is Ash Wednesday. During Ash Wednesday services or “Ashes to Go” offerings, we remember the fact of our mortality as a prompting toward self-examination.

Photo of ashes in the sign of a cross

View resources and news related to the season:


Resources for Lent

Updated March 1, 2019 Lent begins with Ash Wednesday – this year on March 6, 2019. Several organizations offer materials for personal or group Lenten devotions; here are a few options to guide and enrich your reflection. The Way of Love This Lent, Bishop Scott Mayer has urged us to make use of the Rule of Life our presiding bishop, Michael Curry, has offered to us — the Way of Love. The Episcopal Church Center staff has developed a huge variety…

Stations of the Cross at the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County

Members at the Episcopal Church of Hamilton County created crosses during Lent in preparation for Holy Week. The crosses reflect a wide range of artistic styles. They are displayed in the field next to the church where, at 6 pm on Good Friday, the congregation has invited the community to join them in the Stations of the Cross.  

Women of the Passion to be heard at St. Luke’s, Fort Worth

St. Luke’s in the Meadow Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, invites the public to a worship service featuring Women of the Passion, A Journey to the Cross at 5 pm Sunday, March 15. Women from Scripture narrate the story of Christ’s Passion, and station by station, the congregation will accompany Jesus in the traditional 14 Stations of the Cross. Composer, musician, and singer Ana Hernandez will lead short musical reflections and responses at each station during the worship service. Readers will give voice to the women who tell…

Church at home on a snowy Second Sunday of Lent

As the sun rises on this snowy morning of the Second Sunday of Lent, many of us in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth are homebound due to the ice and snow. But because our common prayers are what bind us together as Episcopalians, we can easily be together in Christ even when we are physically far apart. Bishop Rayford B. High, Jr., Canon Janet Waggoner, and the diocesan staff invite you to join us in Morning Prayer in your homes and…

Call for art – diocesan exhibit will feature Lent, Holy Week

Artists around the diocese are invited to contribute work to a diocesan art exhibit exploring Lent and Holy Week. The art will be on display in the diocesan office at 4301 Meadowbrook Drive, Fort Worth, 76103. People can visit the exhibit during diocesan office hours, 9:00 am – 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday, March 12 – April 10.. The show will be the first in a series of exhibits at the diocesan office focused around themes of the liturgical calendar. If…

Episcopal congregations featured in news about Ash Wednesday

Six congregations and a campus ministry of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth figured prominently in news coverage of Ash Wednesday in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and on KTVT Channel 11. Read the Star-Telegram story and watch embedded video. These congregations offered Ashes to Go as a form of outreach, taking Ash Wednesday out into the world of commuters, parents dropping children off at school, college students, and people on lunch breaks. Traditional Ash Wednesday services also were offered by…

For Lent, take something on

by Rayford B. High, Jr. I don’t know about you, but it seems to me that 2015 is moving along very quickly. Ash Wednesday is February 18!  Lent, with all its blessings, is upon us. Over my years in ministry, I have found spiritual growth and value in using Lent to spend less time worrying about me and instead focusing on others, especially those who have not been given the opportunities I have as an Episcopalian in this country. How…
Lenten Programs in the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth

Join us for Ash Wednesday services, Lenten programs

Lent is a liturgical season that begins on Ash Wednesday and continues for approximately 40 days before culminating in Easter Sunday. Ash Wednesday is on February 18 this year. Lent traditionally has been a time of retreat, reflection, and repentance, a time to clear away the distractions of the world and to focus on our relationship with God and with one another. People often choose to give something up for Lent. But there are other ways of observing Lent. Bishop…

Lenten Reflection: Emptiness

Love the emptiness. If you do not have space in your soul – if you keep yourself filled on food or constant activity or ever-new ideas– your desire will be blunted or even perverted. We have been created with the gift of desire, to long for, to anticipate. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: http://youtu.be/g4cwj-BZgS0 Question for Reflection: Where might life be waiting to…

Lenten Reflection: Suffering

It was not because Jesus was oblivious to pain that enabled him to undergo such cruelty. It was because he knew the depth of human grief and loss and despair. And he knew that, because he loved. – Br. James Koester Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: http://youtu.be/yekhlcwk4S4 Question for Reflection: Will you ask God to transform your suffering into greater love? Comments: We welcome your comments on…

Lenten Reflection: Revelation

Take up these symbols of the new life: towel and basin and water. Let them be for you a sign of your love for him and your gratitude for all that he has done for you. Let them be for you a pledge of your commitment to serve – not out of duty, but out of love; not to obtain a reward, but to imitate the One who freely and willingly laid down his life for you. Let them be…

Lenten Reflection: Paradox

There is something about our suffering in life – what we would not have chosen but cannot avoid – when we say “yes” to God, when we show ourselves ready to bear our suffering before God, that opens the door for transformation, for consecration. There is something about facing the dark night that allows us to see the dawning of joy. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click…

Lenten Reflection: Experience

We lift our hearts to God in whatever state they are in. If our hearts are happy, we lift them to the Lord. If our hearts are broken or heavy with grief, we lift them to the Lord. If our hearts are anxious or afraid, we lift them to the Lord. We “come as we are” to this place. – Br. Mark Brown Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to…

Lenten Reflection: Compassion

During this week, these last days of our Lord’s life, we try to enter imaginatively into the story of Christ’s passion, to try, each one of us, to feel the weight of the cross, to understand a little of the immensity of God’s sacrifice for us, and the immensity of God’s love for us. – Br. Geoffrey Tristram Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: http://youtu.be/rZYe9JkKo7o Question for Reflection:…

Lenten Reflection: Vulnerability

What is it that makes you vulnerable? In our lifetimes, we don’t lose our spiritual vulnerability. We wouldn’t want to lose it. How we come to know God, how God breaks through to us, is probably through something that is broken in our lives. – Br. Curtis Almquist Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: http://youtu.be/0IICHyeFetM Question for Reflection: How will you share your vulnerability with Jesus today? Comments:…

Lenten Reflection: Grace

Temptation becomes an instrument of God’s grace when it causes us to acknowledge our helplessness, when it prompts us to look for God’s help, when it puts us in places where we realize our need for a Savior. – Br. David Vryhof Society of Saint John the Evangelist To Read More, Click Here Video not displaying? Click here to view: http://youtu.be/3h4eIAvUC0M Question for Reflection: Can you invite God’s grace into the places of contradiction and darkness within you? Comments: We…