Watch Steinke’s ‘How Your Church Family Works’

Watch Steinke’s ‘How Your Church Family Works’

Need to brush up on the wisdom Peter Steinke offered to congregation leaders back in April, when he presented How Your Church Family Works? Want to get a quick crash course in family systems in the church? We have an app for that! (Well, really, a link.)

Even if you missed attending the first session, come to Growing in Faith Together: Creating and Sustaining Healthy Congregations, starting Friday, June 20 at 5:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran Church. And to get ready for that session, you can watch the April 5 presentation on YouTube. The two-hour recording has several breaks, making it viewing-friendly. If you can’t remember what he said – or you were unable to attend – this is your chance to brush up!

All members of congregations – and especially leadership teams from vestries and ministries – are urged to attend. Register online today! Trinity Lutheran Church is located near the corner of Montgomery Drive and Camp Bowie Boulevard, 3621 Tulsa Way, Fort Worth, TX 76107.