Bishop High visits St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Keller/Southlake

Bishop High visits St. Martin-in-the-Fields in Keller/Southlake

The Rt. Rev. Rayford B. High, Jr., bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, visited St. Martin-in-the-Fields Episcopal Church, Keller, on Sunday, April 26, 2016.

Bishop High preached on Jesus as the Good Shepherd, making clear that we are important, valued, and loved by Christ, and that as hard-hearted as we’ve been, as lost as we’ve been, Jesus is seeking us; there’s nothing that can’t be resurrected through Jesus. Watch his sermon:

Bishop High baptized Darcy and Bradley Sara, and confirmed, reaffirmed, and received 19 people at St. Martin’s. Those confirmed were Emelia Ambrose, Clay Cabes, Julianne Ceravalo, Adam Jarrett, Tanner Hilderhoff, Jacy and Jamie Lobstein, Rich May, Justan Presley, Edmund Sais, Bradley Sara, Caleb Tiemann, and Jack Tucker. Kathy Bedell, Yolanda Sais, and Karena Sara were received. Helen Carr and Christine Gehringer reaffirmed their batismal vows.

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There was a reception following the service to celebrate this special day, and the bishop met with the bishop met with the Vestry.

Bishop High will be back at St. Martin’s on Saturday, May 30 to institute the Rev. Scot McComas as St. Martin’s new rector.

View all the day’s photos at St. Martin’s Flickr gallery.