Advent Taize Service December 8

Advent Taize Service December 8

St. Christopher Episcopal Church, Fort Worth, invites all to an Advent Taize Service at 6 pm on the Second Sunday of Advent, December 8.
Advent 2019 begins Sunday, December 1 and ends on December 24. Advent begins the new liturgical year, and is a season of hope, anticipation, and preparation for the coming of the Christ child. For those who keep the Advent season, it can offer a grace-filled space in the midst of seasonal secular stress.

The Taizé community in France is an ecumenical monastic order with a strong devotion to peace and justice through prayer and meditation. The community has become famous worldwide for its style of worship, centered on the singing of distinctive and much-repeated prayer chants during candlelit prayer services.

St. Christopher’s Advent Taize Service is an opportunity to step out of the December rush and have a time of quiet and reflection on the profound meaning of this season.