TREC task force members join diocesan Reimagining Our Church event

TREC task force members join diocesan Reimagining Our Church event

Julia Ayala Harris of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida and Margaret B. Shannon of the Episcopal Diocese of Texas, both members of the Task Force for Reimagining the Episcopal Church (TREC) will join the Reimagining Our Church event hosted by the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth on February 8, 2014.

Katie Sherrod, communications director for the Episcopal Diocese of Fort Worth, a diocesan deputy to the General Convention of The Episcopal Church, and a member of the Executive Council of The Episcopal Church, explained, “We are delighted that members of TREC can be with us. They were charged by General Convention to energetically gather information and ideas from congregations, dioceses, and individuals as they carry out their work, which is to create a plan to reform The Episcopal Church’s structures, governance, and administration. Our diocese is a natural place for them to be, as we have much to share with the wider church about rebuilding and finding new, imaginative ways to be church.”

Reimagining Our Church will gather lay people and clergy from across the diocese to reflect on the four interview questions prepared by TREC and for a panel discussion to connect reimagining ideas to the Anglican Communion’s Five Marks of Mission. The gathering will conclude with Eucharist at 3pm.

If you haven’t registered yet, here’s the registration link. Please register by Monday, February 3.  Want more information? Read all the news about the event.