Let’s Play Godball!

Let’s Play Godball!

Let’s Play Godball!  Unorthodox Sermons by a Circuit Rider Episcopal Priest  from Middle Texas by the Rev. Bruce Coggin, retired priest of the diocese, is now available from Amazon.com.

Bruce Coggin with book

The sermons were all preached between 2009 and 2014 as Coggin rode a circuit among congregations who were forced to worship in alternate spaces after former Bishop Jack Iker and other diocesan leaders left The Episcopal Church in 2008 but claimed Episcopal Church property.These congregations are All Saints, Wichita Falls; St. Andrew’s, Fort Worth; St. Mary’s. Hillsboro; St. Simon of Cyrene, Fort Worth; and the Episcopal Church of Wichita Falls. Also included are sermons preached at Trinity, Fort Worth, and Trinity-by-the-Lake, Heath, in the Episcopal Diocese of Dallas, where Coggin did supply work.

Coggin has dedicated the book to these congregations, “among whom its contents came to life.” The Foreword is by the Rt. Rev. Sam B. Hulsey, retired bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Northwest Texas.

Owanah Anderson, long time senior warden at All Saints’, Wichita Falls, writes in a cover blurb, “Hearing Bruce Coggin preach is an energizing, enlightening experience. His loving use of language – sometimes homespun, sometimes scholarly erudite – awakens one with a jolt: ‘Hey, I knew that! How come I’d not already tooled those words into my own thinking?’ And you carry home the concept and count it as your own treasure.”